Structural Integrity and MEchanical Design (SIMED) group is seeking a PhD candidate to conduct research in computational solid mechanics, mainly applied to structural problems. The successful applicant will work at the Polytechnic Engineering and Architecture Department (DPIA) of the University of Udine, under Dr Enrico Salvati’s supervision. The project focuses, but […]
Postdoctoral Researcher in Machine Learning for Fatigue Fracture prediction with commitment for the submission of a proposal in the framework of the MSCA Global Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022 Structural Integrity and MEchanical Design (SIMED) group is seeking a 1-year full-time Postdoctoral Researcher in Machine Learning applied to fracture mechanics. The successful applicant […]
Welding is a well-established material process that involves high heat to join two or more parts together. Because of the uneven heat and temperature distribution involved, the final product is always affected by the presence of an intrinsic stress state, even in absence of any external load (residual stress), that […]